Quote widgets to use with our customizable digital LIFE planner sold separately.
Our widgets are unique one of kind insert to add to our LIFE planner and make it completely customizable. This widget pack comes with neat quotes on colored, patterned or some transparent backgrounds! These make it super cute to decorate and if you don’t need all of your spots for widgets why not add a super cute inspirational quote?! I LOVE the way these turned out. Easily drag and drop them into your planner and they are ready to use! We have spot specifically sized for our widgets in our LIFE planner on the overview, monthly, weekly and daily pages and in our portrait life planner.
This is a digital insert download to be used in an app sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, xodo, note shelf, zoom notes, notability or any PDF app that allows you to manipulate (use hyperlinks and write on) PDFS. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase from the App Store.
>>> W H A T ’ S I N C L U D E D :
PNG files of the following to use as widgets:
13 different quote widgets included. We offered some in a couple color options, come transparent, some with patterns. A good mix of over 35 images!
These widgets are completely design to work with our customizable LIFE digital planner sold separately. This allows you to just buy what you need and make your planner FIT YOU PERFECTLY!
>>> Y O U T U B E
This video explains it all!
>>> S O C I A L M E D I A
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YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEXMuEziTu7Qi95JW0c41GA
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Breezy-Organization-107125017611526/
Widge Quotes
This is a zipped digital sticker folder. It has precropped PNG (no background) image stickers for you to use in your digital planner or PDF annotation apps sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, notability and other PDF annotation apps. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase in the app store and you can store all of your planners and stickers and use in this app. We have video tutorial on YouTube showing you the best options for storing stickers!