I cannot CONTAIN myself!! This is a dream and so addicting!! Let’s just dive in!
If you do not have a house yet but you are dreaming! Dream in this book! Save all of your favorite things from the internet or Pinterest and have them ready to go when you need them!
Remodeling and need to measure and plan a room to make sure it all goes together? This planner is your answer.
Are you building a house and need a place to put pictures and prices of all of the hardware, tub, siding, stone, decking, doors, windows, flooring and ALL THE THINGS? This planner is GOLD to you.
Are you wanting to redecorate your whole house or maybe just a room? You need to make sure it works, matches and it’s everything you want before you spend the moola on it! This planner has your back!
Are you a lover of all things DIY? This planner lets you DO IT YOURSELF!! And love how it turns out!
Do you just like to have fun? GET THIS PLANNER! It’s addicting. 😂
+ Access offline
+ Sometimes pins expire... your planner won’t.
+ Have boardswithin boards - ever wish you could put your kitchen organizing, decor, products and so on under ONE Pinterest board? You can with this planner, and still keep it organized!
+ Do you ever save a picture to your camera roll and then want it a month later and spend 30 minutes trying to find it? You can drink coffee and relax with that 30 minutes now!
+ Ever wonder if the idea you have for a room will actually work or worse yet, MATCH? Now you can organize your photos right next to each other to see! Whew! Then you realize just HOW CUTE it is and you should probably start on that project 😉
+ Ever wonder how much a project is actually going to cost or want to list the needed items in one spot for later? Now you can!
+ Ever need a place to keep all the measurements for furniture, decor pieces, areas you’re organizing or just plain ole room sizes? HERE IT IS!
+ Ever want to have the TIME of your life playing with your Pinterest finds?! Now is your chance!
+ Cute stickers, board ideas and arrows to really make your vision board POP!
+ This app helps you draw straight lines.... so drawing out a room or project isn’t so scary.
+ This planner lets you dream.
+ This planner makes your seasonal redecorating a dream!
- Home decorating tips
- Each room has 2-3 links (kids/guest have 6)
- Under each link is a vision board, projects tab, diy tab and 6 more sub vision board options to name yourself.
- separate PNG word and arrow stickers
- board list ideas
Ultimate Home Planner
This is a digital planner download to be used in an app sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, notability and other PDF annotation apps. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase in the app store and you can store all of your planners and stickers and use in this app.