Travel widgets to use with our customizable digital LIFE planner sold separately.
Our widgets are unique one of kind insert to add to our LIFE planner and make it completely customizable. This widget pack comes with travel widgets. Nine of them! One of my all time favorite widget packs! From your itinerary, packing list, budget, expenses, savings to dream planning your bucketlist and must dos on your next adventure. It has it ALL and it's FUN! Even the budget planning! Yay! Easily drag and drop them into your planner and they are ready to use! We have spot specifically sized for our widgets in our LIFE planner on the overview, monthly, weekly and daily pages.
This is a digital insert download to be used in an app sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, xodo, note shelf, zoom notes, notability or any PDF app that allows you to manipulate (use hyperlinks and write on) PDFS. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase from the App Store.
>>> W H A T ’ S I N C L U D E D :
PNG files of the following to use as widgets:
9 widgets included:
- packing list blank
- packing list filled in
- things to do
- travel bucket list
- travel budget
- travel checklist
- travel expenses
- travel itinerary
- travel savings
These widgets are completely design to work with our customizable LIFE digital planner sold separately. This allows you to just buy what you need and make your planner FIT YOU PERFECTLY!
+++ The is an image insert and very high quality. You can zoom in and it stays clear. Some apps when zoomed in it is pixelated. This is not our image it is the apps quality for images +++
>>> Y O U T U B E
>>> S O C I A L M E D I A
Travel Widgets
This is a digital insert download to be used in an app sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, notability and other PDF annotation apps. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase in the app store and you can store all of your planners and stickers and use in this app.