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Faith Pal Insert LANDSCAPE | Your devotions all in one place! Digital Planner Organizer


It is FINALLY here!! And I for one am SO excited. Our FAITH PAL!!! This has to be my favorite. The cover of this little jewel is clean, easy to understand and use but looks absolutely AMAZING! 


First off you will see a link for Bible study. Once you click on this you are going to be so happy to see a place to have a Bible Journal, and to do Bible studies by Theme, Word, Book, Chapter, Character, Mind Map and even a Open Study. There are spaces designed for you to do many Bible studies under each category. Then, inside each one of these you will find a layout to help you do your studies! 


Back to the cove page you will have a spot for your devotions. Here there is a place for your passage for today along with observations and application.


Next you have a Bible Reading Tracker and a place for favorite verses. There is also a place for sermon notes! But my favorite is the prayer journal. When you click on this option you will see a place for prayer and inspiration, a place for prayer request and praise reports also a place to put notes or even pictures. We also have a page where you can keep a running list of all the prayers that have been answered. Another fun option we added was a Miracle tracker. This has a place for you to add a picture and text describing your miracles. 


There was a lot of research put into this pal and we truly hope this will be such an inspiration to you all!


WHAT IS PLANNER PAL? It's sold separately:

So excited to actually be offering the planner pal to yall! This is a little dream planner I had in my mind for awhile. I always have screenshots, doodles, notes, budget info, passwords, tips and so much more in random places. On my notes app, in several difference planners on goodnotes, photos app and more. I was constantly forgetting where I added something and the search feature was becoming my best friend. Although it still took time going to each place to try and find what I was looking for. NO MORE! Planner pal organizes your life and your brain (lol). Its cute and so functional. You can purchase our planner pal "inserts" to go inside of our planner pal folders. This allows you to be able to basically go into several planners while never leaving your planner pal. It's a planners dream! You can do it all in split screen so no more back and forth and you know exactly where you stored things. 


I also was finding it time consuming to transfer book reviews and more at the end of each year when I wanted to start a new planner or if I wanted to switch planners in the middle of the year. I had to transfer all my important stuff I wanted to my new planenr. Now planner pal is always together and ready for you to use without having to copy over tons of pages. It's your PAL in every way! I hope you love it and enjoy it as much as I have!



<<< W H A T ‘ S   I N C L U D E D

- 1 pdf file




*** READ THIS ***

These stickers are ready to use as soon as you purchase and download to your ipad or preferred device. 

This is a digital download to be used in an app GOODNOTES sold separately on the App Store. This is just a one time purchase from the App Store and then you can buy as many digital planners and digital stickers to use in that one app! 



>>> Y O U T U B E


>>> S O C I A L   M E D I A






Faith Pal Landscape

  • This is a digital file PDF for you to use in a pdf annotation app sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, notability, penly, xodo, zoomnotes and other PDF annotation apps. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase in the app store and you can store all of your planners and stickers and use in this app. We have video tutorial on YouTube showing you the best options for storing stickers! 

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