Girl Boss Business Stickers
YAY! A fun girl boss business sticker pack. We had do much fun gathering sticker ideas for this set. Yes, the stack of receipts is tied with the "vision board" for being my favorites of this pack! It's just a real life sticker and looks way cuter in sticker form that actual receipts on my table. Lol! This pack is so cute and perfect for anyone selling physical products....or if you order a lot from amazon and need love of package stickers! Ha! From coffee pots to a cute gas sticker this one has you covered with your business sticker needs!
<<< W H A T ‘ S I N C L U D E D
- 1 goodnotes file with 1 sticker page. Precropped stickers in a goodnotes file ready to use.
- individual PNGs
*** READ THIS ***
These stickers are ready to use as soon as you purchase and download to your ipad or preferred device.
This is a digital download to be used in an app GOODNOTES sold separately on the App Store. This is just a one time purchase from the App Store and then you can buy as many digital planners and digital stickers to use in that one app!
>>> Y O U T U B E
>>> S O C I A L M E D I A
Girl Boss Business Stickers
This is a zipped digital sticker folder. It has precropped PNG (no background) image stickers for you to use in your digital planner or PDF annotation apps sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, notability and other PDF annotation apps. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase in the app store and you can store all of your planners and stickers and use in this app. We have video tutorial on YouTube showing you the best options for storing stickers!