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Daily planner digital inserts to use with our customizable digital planner sold separately. 





Two different daily schedules to fit your needs. If you need something specific please let us know! We have one that has hourly schedule along with to do, habit, priorities and more. The other is my personal fave! It has top 3 priorities, todo and my favorite part the “block” style scheduling to schedule your day. Blocks are way easier for me as a mom that works from home than an hour by hour schedule. 



PNG files of the following to use as inserts:

 - Daily schedule block style (color)

- Daily schedule block style (grey)

- Daily schedule by hour (color) - Daily schedule by hour (grey)



These inserts are completely design to work with our customizable digital planner sold separately. This allows you to just buy what you need and make your planner FIT YOU PERFECTLY! 


+++ The is an image insert and very high quality. You can zoom in and it stays clear. Some apps when zoomed in it is pixelated. This is not our image it is the apps quality for images +++


>>> Y O U T U B E 

This video explains it all!

Daily Inserts

  • This is a digital insert download to be used in an app sold separately on the App Store. You can use the apps GoodNotes, notability and other PDF annotation apps. We recommend GoodNotes. This is just a one time purchase in the app store and you can store all of your planners and stickers and use in this app. 

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